In the first month of MART 314 Advanced Camera Techniques, students have taken multiple trips out of our studio to see some cutting-edge professional setups!

First, Prof. Ben Lundsten took students to Cinemechanics in Golden Valley to visit with 2011 graduate Marcus Taplin and 1st AC David Ishida. Marcus and DI walked students through how they prep for shoots, build camera rigs for specific situations, collaborate with clients, and a host of other on-set and camera-related specifics. Students had a blast seeing how these guys work and getting their hands on some gear. We are so thankful for the time they spent with our class. Also, a huge thank you to Cinemechanics for hosting this event and letting us check out their beautiful space! Here are some photos:

About a week later, Jacob and Grant with GoldenPeaks Productions and Driveify gave the Advanced Camera Techniques class a demo on rigging camera cars. The students enjoyed controlling the camera as well as riding in the R8. We really appreciate GoldenPeaks Productions for coming down with the cars and sharing their knowledge with our students! Here are some photos:

All of these pictures (and more) were originally posted on our NEW BLC Studios Instagram account! Give us a follow to see more of what our staff and students are doing.