Industry Connections

21 03, 2017

Media Week 2017 Recap

March 21st, 2017|Alumni, Industry Connections, Students, Studio, Uncategorized|

The dust is settling on campus as we recently wrapped up our 5th annual Media Week. The line-up included speakers from near and far representing several different aspects of media production. […]

17 11, 2016

Students produce web series for WCHA

November 17th, 2016|Industry Connections, Student Projects, Students, Studio, Uncategorized|

Every media arts student completes an ambitious capstone project during their last year in our program. This year, senior David Schuyler chose to produce a new web series for his final project, an undertaking that is more impressive because it’s for a real client—the men’s Western Collegiate Hockey Association (WCHA). […]

29 06, 2016

Alumni Update: Aimee Bruss

June 29th, 2016|Alumni, Industry Connections, Motion Graphics|

A few months after graduating in the spring of 2015, Aimee Bruss began work as a motion graphics designer at the Christian Broadcasting Network headquartered in Virginia Beach, Virginia. […]

13 05, 2016

Students “Go Red” with the American Heart Association

May 13th, 2016|Community Outreach, Industry Connections, Student Projects, Students|

Practical experience with real clients is an integral part of our media arts program. In addition to advanced coursework and client referrals, many video production and design students are hired by Stone Path Studios, Bethany’s student-run production company. […]

18 04, 2016

Media Week 2016 Recap

April 18th, 2016|Animation, Film Festival, Industry Connections, Students, Studio, Uncategorized|

Media Week 2016 was our largest yet—with 12 academic talks, 2 workshops, and an Indian music concert in addition to the Speechless Film Festival events. As always, our speakers cover a range of topics including production, broadcast, art, and design. […]

25 03, 2016

Speechless Film Festival 2016 Recap

March 25th, 2016|Alumni, Animation, Community Outreach, Faculty and Staff, Film Festival, Industry Connections, Student Projects, Students, Studio|

It was another great year of movies, music, and parties at the international Speechless Film Festival. And just like any year, the festival planning season was equally dramatic and full of surprises as any great film. […]

20 01, 2016

Alumni Update: Ben Lundsten

January 20th, 2016|Alumni, Industry Connections|

Ben Lundsten belongs to the media arts’ first graduating cohort in Spring 2012. As a student, Ben was a photography junkie and filmmaker. He won vimeo’s One Shot, One Kill contest for a clever black and white short […]

6 01, 2016

2015 Year in Review

January 6th, 2016|Alumni, Community Outreach, Faculty and Staff, Film Festival, Industry Connections, Live Broadcasts, Music Video, Student Awards, Student Projects, Students, Studio|

For our 2015 year in review, we made a poster and put it up outside the studio wing in Honsey Hall. […]

17 12, 2015

Alumni Update: Andrew Halverson

December 17th, 2015|Alumni, Industry Connections, Technology|

Many of our recent alumni updates feature graduates from the last year or two. But Andrew Halverson is a different case—he’s gearing up for his tenth year with the Minnesota Twins. […]

10 12, 2015

Students shoot for Fortune Magazine

December 10th, 2015|Industry Connections, Student Projects, Students, Technology|

It’s hard for any student to graduate from our media arts program without doing at least some client work on-location at Drive-A-Tank. […]